
Classical education is the imparting of wisdom and virtue through the study of the liberal arts and the humanities in order to pass on and preserve a culture. The liberal arts are the fundamental intellectual skills used in every academic discipline, and the humanities are the history and literature of Western civilization through which we learn, through precept and example, the ideas and values of our culture.  

Although classical education is the best way to learn the skills for both employment and citizenship, it does not focus on narrow job skills training or political indoctrination. Rather, its focus is passing on the culture of the Christian West to the next generation.

At Highlands...

We focus on intensive Latin study (2-8 grade).

We teach the history and mythology of Western Civilization.

We utilize Memoria Press Curriculum.


Our faith statement is The Apostles’ Creed, the most ancient and widely accepted expression of the essential beliefs of the Christian faith. Highlands Latin teaches and upholds traditional Christian morality, and the Holy Scriptures as the divinely inspired word of God.  Doctrinal issues are left to the family and church so that every Christian family can use our materials without contradicting their beliefs.

At Highlands...

We pray to begin our day.

We work hard as if working for the Lord.

We love our neighbor as ourself.

We memorize Scripture.

We warmly welcome all faith backgrounds, while humbly maintaining our identity.


A cottage school is a homeschool support program meeting weekly for traditional classroom instruction.  The cottage school classroom is consistent with human nature and the experience of many decades has demonstrated its superiority over the modern child-centered classroom.

At Highlands...

We meet on Tuesdays at a local church.

We have knowledgable, enthusiastic teachers who lead students to understanding.

We teach incremental, age-appropriate lessons, focused on content mastery.

We keep quiet, orderly and disciplined classrooms.

We maintain small class sizes to increase participation and teacher attention.

CLSA Partner member

The Classical Latin School Association (CLSA) is an association of elementary and secondary schools working to promote the transmission of the culture of the Christian West through the Classical Core Curriculum. As a member of CLSA, Highlands Summerville receives accreditation and training.